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The Education Department of Selwo Costa del Sol offers a complete educational program in Selwo Aventura that transmits to schoolchildren the main objective of a modern zoo: to bring its visitors closer to the different species it hosts, the threats they face and the importance of preserving natural habitats.

Through school visits, a unique class is offered in an inspiring environment for the student, with a proposal focused on discovering new animal species, learning the importance of conservation and respecting the environment.



Accompanied by an expert guide, schoolchildren will walk through the Portico of Nature and the Bird Canyon, becoming aware of different species and being able to feed the animals of the Mini-Farm. The visit can be rounded off with a visit to the Central Village, where you will be surprised by some of Selwo Aventura’s iconic species, such as the white rhinoceros, the hippopotamus, the elephant and the lion. There’s even the chance of enjoying an authentic safari.

Consult all the information by downloading the school offer for this academic year!

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Discover all the possibilities that Selwo Aventura has to offer, get to know the complete school offer, the activities and the different talks. Contact us and check availability and prices. 

Download our 22/23 school offer!

Live an authentic safari!
Live an authentic safari!

Live an authentic safari!

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